Meet the team – Introducing Tim Coates, Chief Customer and Regulatory Officer 

So Tim, tell us a bit about yourself:

I’m from a farming background and manage the family farming business alongside my role at Oxbury. I’m focussed there on regenerative transition and investing in my natural capital and working with my fellow farmer cluster members. 

Prior to all of that I trained as an economist and spent many years working on banking regulation. 

What is your role in Oxbury and when did you join?

It’s been six and half years since I sat down with James (CEO) and Nick (MD) and said that the vision for what was then just “The Agricultural Bank” was timely and necessary – as a co-founder it feels like I've done a version of pretty much every role in the bank at some point over that time but now I mainly focus on our Responsible Impact and Natural Capital strategy, wholesale funding and our regulatory relationships. 

Tell us about your background and how that has led to you working at Oxbury and the role that you are in?

Farming and financial economics led to co-founding an agricultural bank, and a passion for farming with nature logically led me to working on Oxbury’s role in the Agricultural Transition. 

As a member of our executive team, how would you describe Oxbury, and compare it to other banks in the market?

Oxbury is a rare-thing – a specialist bank with a clear purpose and mission and the ability to make a real difference. It makes us highly innovative and committed to our customers and our work. 

Since it has been 3 years since Oxbury obtained its banking licence, what is your proudest moment?

It’s a tie between getting authorised as a bank (for the lowest initial cost of any new UK bank in the last decade) and the publication in 2023 of our Natural Capital Report.

Where would you like Oxbury to be in another 3 years?

The UK’s largest lender to Agriculture. 

What is the most challenging part of your job as an executive member?

Managing all of the opportunities we have and prioritising these. 

How do your colleagues describe you in 3 words? 

  • Persistent
  • Thoughtful
  • Busy 

Tell us a fun fact about yourself or an interesting, yet unhelpful fact that you know?

Prue Leith once baked me a cake.